
The short version

  1. Create an infrastructure VM for the Wazuh manager, and add it to the wazuh-manager group

  2. Configure the infrastructure VM with kayobe: kayobe infra vm host configure

  3. Edit your config under etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh-manager/wazuh-manager, in particular the defaults assume that the provision_oc_net network will be used.

  4. Generate secrets: kayobe playbook run $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/wazuh-secrets.yml

  5. Encrypt the secrets: ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file ~/vault.password  $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/environments/ci-multinode/wazuh-secrets.yml

  6. Deploy the Wazuh manager: kayobe playbook run $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/wazuh-manager.yml

  7. Deploy the Wazuh agents: kayobe playbook run $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/wazuh-agent.yml

Wazuh Manager Host

Provision using infra-vms

Provisioning an infra VM for Wazuh Manager.

Kayobe supports provisioning infra VMs. The following configuration may be used as a guide. Config for infra VMs is documented here.

Add a Wazuh Manager host to the wazuh-manager group in etc/kayobe/inventory/hosts.


Add the wazuh-manager group to the infra-vms group in etc/kayobe/inventory/groups.



Define VM sizing in etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh-manager/infra-vms:

# Memory in MB.
infra_vm_memory_mb: 16384

# Number of vCPUs.
infra_vm_vcpus: 8

# Capacity of the infra VM data volume.
infra_vm_data_capacity: "200G"

Optional: define LVM volumes in etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh-manager/lvm. /var/ossec often requires greater storage space, and /var/lib/wazuh-indexer may be beneficial too.

# List of infra VM volume groups. See mrlesmithjr.manage-lvm role for
# format.
  - vgname: "data"
      - "/dev/vdb"
    create: true
      - lvname: "data"
        size: "100%VG"
        filesystem: "ext4"
        mount: true
        mntp: "/var/ossec"
        create: true

Define network interfaces etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh-manager/network-interfaces:

(The following is an example - the names will depend on your particular network configuration.)

# Overcloud provisioning network IP information.
provision_oc_net_interface: "ens3"

The Wazuh manager may need to be exposed externally, in which case it may require another interface. This can be done as follows in etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh-manager/network-interfaces, with the network defined in networks.yml as usual.

  - "extra_net"

# External network connectivity on ens2
extra_net_interface: "ens2"

Follow the Kayobe instructions to provision the VM and configure the host.

Network Setup

Your wazuh-manager VM needs to have network connection with servers which will have the wazuh-agent installed, preferably it should be in the provision_oc_net.

Required ports

Several services are used for the communication of Wazuh components. Below is the list of default ports used by these services.





Wazuh server


TCP (default)

Agent connection service


UDP (optional)

Agent connection service (disabled by default)



Agent enrollment service



Wazuh cluster daemon


UDP (default)

Wazuh Syslog collector (disabled by default)


TCP (optional)

Wazuh Syslog collector (disabled by default)



Wazuh server RESTful API

Wazuh indexer



Wazuh indexer RESTful API



Wazuh indexer cluster communication

Wazuh dashboard



Wazuh web user interface

Manually provisioned VM

In cases where you can’t use infra-vms to deploy your wazuh-manager VM but you want to configure the host using kayobe, here are some tips (note that depending on your setup this doesn’t have to always apply):

  • Depending on preferences, hosts have to be part of some group in inventory. infra-vms group still seems like the best choice. You can use kayobe infra vm host configure to configure host in this case. The tips below are based on the assumption that infra-vm will be used.

  • user stack with passwordless sudo and access with ssh keys needs to be present on the host. It can be achieved in many different ways, depending on your setup.

  • lvm configuration should be placed in host_vars/<host_name>

  • wazuh-manager hosts have to be part of infra-vms group (directly or as child)

  • The network used on the host needs to be defined in networks.yml and if you have pre-alocated an IP, it should be added to network-allocation.yml. For example, if using host with IP in network one have to add:





Deploying Wazuh Manager services


To install a specific version modify the wazuh-ansible entry in etc/kayobe/ansible/requirements.yml:

  - name: wazuh-ansible
    src: https://github.com/stackhpc/wazuh-ansible
    version: custom-branch

The default version has been tested and verified, but there is no reason not to use a different one.

Reinstall the role if required:

kayobe control host bootstrap

Edit the playbook and variables to your needs:

Wazuh manager configuration

Wazuh manager playbook is located in etc/kayobe/ansible/wazuh-manager.yml. Running this playbook will:

  • generate certificates for wazuh-manager

  • setup and deploy filebeat on wazuh-manager vm

  • setup and deploy wazuh-indexer on wazuh-manager vm

  • setup and deploy wazuh-manager on wazuh-manager vm

  • setup and deploy wazuh-dashboard on wazuh-manager vm

  • copy certificates over to wazuh-manager vm

Wazuh manager variables file is located in etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh-manager/wazuh-manager.

You may need to modify some of the variables, including:

  • wazuh_manager_ip


If you are using multiple environments, and you need to customise Wazuh in each environment, create override files in an appropriate directory, for example etc/kayobe/environments/production/inventory/group_vars/.

Files which values can be overridden (in the context of Wazuh):

  • etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh/wazuh-manager/wazuh-manager

  • etc/kayobe/wazuh-manager.yml

  • etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent


Wazuh secrets playbook is located in etc/kayobe/ansible/wazuh-secrets.yml. Running this playbook will generate and put pertinent security items into secrets vault file which will be placed in $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/wazuh-secrets.yml. If using environments it ends up in $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/environments/<env_name>/wazuh-secrets.yml Remember to encrypt!

Wazuh secrets template is located in etc/kayobe/ansible/templates/wazuh-secrets.yml.j2. It will be used by wazuh secrets playbook to generate wazuh secrets vault file.

kayobe playbook run $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/wazuh-secrets.yml
ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file ~/vault.pass $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/wazuh-secrets.yml

TLS (optional)

You can generate your own TLS certificates, otherwise skip this section. By default, Wazuh Ansible uses wazuh-cert-tool.sh to automatically generate certificates for wazuh-indexer (previously Elasticsearch and opendistro) and wazuh-dashbooard (previously Kibana) using a local CA. If the certificates directory {{ kayobe_env_config_path }}/wazuh does not exist, it will generate the following certificates in {{ kayobe_env_config_path }}/wazuh/wazuh-certificates/ (here os-wazuh is set as elasticsearch_node_name and kibana_node_name:

  • Admin certificate for opendistro security
    • admin-key.pem, admin.pem

  • Node certificate
    • os-wazuh-key.pem, os-wazuh.pem

  • HTTP certificate for wazuh-dashboard (port 5601) & wazuh-indexer (port 9200)
    • os-wazuh_http.key, os-wazuh_http.pem

  • Root CA certificate
    • root-ca.key root-ca.pem

It is also possible to use externally generated certificates for wazuh-dashboard. Customise the dashboard_node_name variable so that you can use a separate certificate and key for this service e.g:

 dashboard_node_name: "wazuh-dashboard"

You will need to create two files matching the following pattern:

  • {{ dashboard_node_name }}-key.pem for the private key

  • {{ dashboard_node_name }}.pem for the certificate

Drop these files into $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/environments/<environment>/wazuh/wazuh-certificates/ if using the kayobe environments feature, or $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/wazuh/wazuh-certificates/ if not. The key for the external certificate should be in PKCS#8 format (in its header it may have BEGIN PRIVATE KEY instead of BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY or BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY).

Example OpenSSL rune to convert to PKCS#8:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in wazuh.key -out wazuh.key.pkcs8

TODO: document how to use a local certificate. Do we need to override all certificates?

Custom SCA Policies (optional)

Wazuh ships with a large selection of Security Configuration Assessment rulesets. However, you may find you want to add more. This can be achieved via custom policies.

SKC supports this automatically, just add the policy file from this PR to {{ kayobe_env_config_path }}/wazuh/custom_sca_policies.

Currently, Wazuh does not ship with a CIS benchmark for Rocky 9. You can find the in-development policy here: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/pull/17810 To include this in your deployment, simply copy it to {{ kayobe_env_config_path }}/wazuh/custom_sca_policies/cis_rocky_linux_9.yml.


Deploy Wazuh manager:

kayobe playbook run $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/wazuh-manager.yml

If you are using the wazuh generated certificates, this will result in the creation of some certificates and keys (in case of custom certs adjust path to it). Encrypt the keys (and remember to commit to git):

ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file ~/vault.pass $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/environments/<environment>/wazuh/wazuh-certificates/*.key

If using the kayobe environments feature, otherwise:

ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file ~/vault.pass $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/wazuh/certificates/certs/*.key


The Wazuh portal should be accessible on port 443 of the Wazuh manager’s IPs (using HTTPS, with the root CA cert in etc/kayobe/ansible/wazuh/certificates/wazuh-certificates/root-ca.pem). The first login should be as the admin user, with the opendistro_admin_password password in $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/wazuh-secrets.yml. This will create the necessary indices.


Logs are in /var/log/wazuh-indexer/wazuh.log. There are also logs in the journal.

Wazuh agents

Wazuh agent playbook is located in etc/kayobe/ansible/wazuh-agent.yml.

Wazuh agent variables file is located in etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/wazuh-agent/wazuh-agent.

You may need to modify some variables, including:

  • wazuh_manager_address

Deploy the Wazuh agents:

kayobe playbook run $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/wazuh-agent.yml


The Wazuh agents should register with the Wazuh manager. This can be verified via the agents page in Wazuh Portal. Check CIS benchmark output in agent section.

Additional resources

For times when you need to upgrade wazuh with elasticsearch to version with opensearch or you just need to deinstall all wazuh components: Wazuh purge script: https://github.com/stackhpc/wazuh-server-purge