
Monitoring Configuration

StackHPC kayobe config includes a reference monitoring and alerting stack based on Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana, Fluentd, OpenSearch & OpenSearch Dashboards. These services by default come enabled and configured.

Monitoring hosts, usually the controllers, should be added to the monitoring group. The group definition can be applied in various different places. For example, this configuration could be added to etc/kayobe/inventory/groups:


Central OpenSearch cluster collects OpenStack logs, with an option to receive operating system logs too. In order to enable this, execute custom playbook after deployment:

kayobe playbook run ansible/rsyslog.yml

Prometheus comes with a comprehensive set of metrics gathered from enabled exporters; every exporter’s data is visualised by at least one Grafana dashboard. Standard set of alerting rules is present as well.

While the default configuration often works out of the box, there are some tunables which can be customised to adapt the configuration to a particular deployment’s needs.

The configuration options can be found in etc/kayobe/stackhpc-monitoring.yml:

# StackHPC monitoring configuration

# Alert configuration

# Threshold to trigger a LowMemory alert in Gibibytes (GiB). When the amount
# of free memory is lower than this value an alert will be triggered.
alertmanager_low_memory_threshold_gib: 5

# Whether to raise an alert if any network bond is configured with a single
# link. Change to false to disable this alert.
alertmanager_warn_network_bond_single_link: true

# Exporter configuration

# Whether the OpenStack Capacity exporter is enabled.
# Enabling this flag will result in HAProxy configuration and Prometheus scrape
# targets being templated during deployment.
stackhpc_enable_os_capacity: true

# Whether TLS certificate verification is enabled for the OpenStack Capacity
# exporter during Keystone authentication.
stackhpc_os_capacity_openstack_verify: true

SMART Drive Monitoring

StackHPC kayobe config also includes drive monitoring for spinning disks and NVME’s.

By default, node exporter doesn’t provide SMART metrics, hence we make use of 2 scripts (one for NVME’s and one for spinning drives), which are run by a cronjob, to output the metrics and we use node exporter’s Textfile collector to report the metrics output by the scripts to Prometheus. These metrics can then be visualised in Grafana with the bundled dashboard.

After pulling in the latest changes into your local kayobe config, reconfigure Prometheus and Grafana

kayobe overcloud service reconfigure -kt grafana,prometheus

(Note: If you run into an error when reconfiguring Grafana, it could be due to this bug and at present, the workaround is to go into each node running Grafana and manually restart the process with systemctl restart kolla-grafana-container.service and then try the reconfigure command again.)

Once the reconfigure has completed you can now run the custom playbook which copies over the scripts and sets up the cron jobs to start SMART monitoring on the overcloud hosts:

(kayobe) [stack@node ~]$ cd etc/kayobe
(kayobe) [stack@node kayobe]$ kayobe playbook run ansible/smartmontools.yml

SMART reporting should now be enabled along with a Prometheus alert for unhealthy disks and a Grafana dashboard called Hardware Overview.

Alertmanager and Slack

StackHPC Kayobe configuration comes bundled with an array of alerts but does not enable any receivers for notifications by default. Various receivers can be configured for Alertmanager. Slack is currently the most common.

To set up a receiver, create a prometheus-alertmanager.yml file under etc/kayobe/kolla/config/prometheus/. An example config is stored in this directory. The example configuration uses two Slack channels. One channel receives all alerts while the other only receives alerts tagged as critical. It also adds a silence button to temporarily mute alerts. To use the example in a deployment, you will need to generate two webhook URLs, one for each channel.

To generate a slack webhook, create a new app in the workspace you want to add alerts to. From the Features page, toggle Activate incoming webhooks on. Click Add new webhook to workspace. Pick a channel that the app will post to, then click Authorise. You only need one app to generate both webhooks.

Both URLs should be encrypted using ansible vault, as they give anyone access to your slack channels. The standard practice is to store them in kayobe/secrets.yml as:

secrets_slack_notification_channel_url: <some_webhook_url>
secrets_slack_critical_notification_channel_url: <some_other_webhook_url>

These should then be set as the slack_api_url and api_url for the regular and critical alerts channels respectively. Both slack channel names will need to be set, and the proxy URL sould be set or removed.

If you want to add an alerting rule, there are many good examples of alerts are available here. They simply need to be added to one of the *.rules files in the prometheus configuration directory.

Ceph Monitoring

There is code in the globals.yml file to extract the ceph mgr nodes from the mgrs group and list them as the endpoints for prometheus. Additionally, depending on your configuration, you may need set the kolla_enable_prometheus_ceph_mgr_exporter variable to true in order to enable the ceph mgr exporter.

OpenStack Capacity

OpenStack Capacity allows you to see how much space you have available in your cloud. StackHPC Kayobe Config will deploy OpenStack Capacity by default on a service deploy, this can be disabled by setting stackhpc_enable_os_capacity to false.

OpenStack Capacity is deployed automatically using a service deploy hook with the generated kolla-ansible admin credentials, you can override these by setting the authentication url, username, password, project name and project domain name in stackhpc-monitoring.yml:

stackhpc_os_capacity_auth_url: <keystone_auth_url>
stackhpc_os_capacity_username: <openstack_username>
stackhpc_os_capacity_password: <openstack_password_encrypted_with_vault>
stackhpc_os_capacity_project_name: <openstack_project_name>
stackhpc_os_capacity_domain_name: <openstack_project_domain_name>
stackhpc_os_capacity_openstack_region_name: <openstack_region_name>

Additionally, you should ensure these credentials have the correct permissions for the exporter. If you are deploying in a cloud with internal TLS, you may be required to disable certificate verification for the OpenStack Capacity exporter if your certificate is not signed by a trusted CA.

stackhpc_os_capacity_openstack_verify: false

If you’ve modified your credentials, you will need to re-deploy OpenStack Capacity using the deploy-os-capacity-exporter.yml Ansible playbook via Kayobe.

kayobe playbook run $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/deploy-os-capacity-exporter.yml

If you notice HaproxyServerDown or HaproxyBackendDown prometheus alerts after deployment it’s likely the os_exporter secrets have not been set correctly, double check you have entered the correct authentication information appropiate to your cloud and re-deploy.

Friendly Network Names

For operators that prefer to see descriptive or friendly interface names the following play can be run. This takes network names as defined in kayobe and relabels the devices/interfaces in Prometheus to make use of these names.

Check considerations and known limitations to see if this is suitable in any given environment before applying.

This reuses existing fields to provide good compatibility with existing dashboards and alerts.

To enable the change:

kayobe playbook run etc/kayobe/ansible/prometheus-network-names.yml
kayobe overcloud service reconfigure --kt prometheus

This first generates a template based on the prometheus.yml.j2 etc/kayobe/ansible/ and which is further templated for use with kolla-ansible. This is then rolled out via service reconfigure.

This helps Prometheus provide insights that can be more easily understood by those without an intimate understanding of a given site. Prometheus Node Exporter and cAdvisor both provide network statistics using the interface/device names. This play causes Prometheus to relabel these fields to human readable names based on the networks as defined in kayobe e.g. bond1.1838 may become storage_network.

The default labels are preserved with the prefix original_.

  • For node_exporter, device is then used for network names, while original_device is used for the interface itself.

  • For cAdvisor, interface is used for network names, and original_interface is used to preserve the interface name.


Before enabling this feature, the implications must be discussed with the customer. The following are key considerations for that conversation:

  • Only network names defined within kayobe are within scope.

  • Tenant network interfaces, including SR-IOV are not considered or modified.

  • Only the interface directly attributed to a network will be relabelled. This may be a bond, a vlan tagged sub-interface, or both. The parent bond, or bond members are not relabelled unless they are captured within a distinct defined network.

  • Modified entries will be within existing labels. This may be breaking for anything that expects the original structure, including custom dashboards, alerting, billing, etc.

  • After applying, there will be inconsistency in the time-series db for the duration of the retention period i.e until previously ingested entries expire. The metrics gathered prior to applying these modifications will be unaltered, with all new metrics using the new structure.

  • The interface names and their purpose must be consistent and unique within the environment. i.e if eth0 is defined as admin_interface on one node, no other node can include a different network definition using eth0. This does not apply in the case when both devices are bond members. e.g. bond0 on a controller has eth0 and eth1 as members. bond1 on a compute uses eth0 and eth1 as members. This is not problematic as it is only the bond itself that is relabelled.