Security Hardening

CIS Benchmark Hardening

The roles from the Ansible-Lockdown project are used to harden hosts in accordance with the CIS benchmark criteria. It won’t get your benchmark score to 100%, but should provide a significant improvement over an unhardened system. A typical score would be 70%.

The following operating systems are supported:

  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • Rocky 9


Some overrides to the role defaults are provided in $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/inventory/group_vars/overcloud/cis. These may not be suitable for all deployments and so some fine tuning may be required. For instance, you may want different rules on a network node compared to a controller. It is best to consult the upstream role documentation for details about what each variable does. The documentation can be found here:

Running the playbooks

As there is potential for unintended side effects when applying the hardening playbooks, the playbooks are not currently enabled by default. It is recommended that they are first applied to a representative staging environment to determine whether or not workloads or API requests are affected by any configuration changes.

kayobe playbook run $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH/ansible/cis.yml